

Production scheduling @Business

Now, it's about time to decide what you are selling during this round. You might review some industry information for getting an idea how much you can intensify your production activity to achieve higher sales and subsequently higher profits (see the Reports and Charts sections).

As soon as you have created a new company, your first product will be selected automatically based on your company’s industry. Later you will be able to add more products in production.

The “Production” tab, displays your current production capacity at the top, which limits the quantity of products that you can produce. Below is the list of your products. Each row in the list, when clicked, opens a new dialog box to help you make your selections.

The planned quantity is the quantity that you want to make available for selling to your customers. This includes any left-overs from the previous round, titled as “Beginning inventory”, which are adjusted for “wear and tear”.

The sales forecast quantity is only for reporting purposes. You can test what your performance will be if not all your produce gets sold, until the round close.

Finally you can set a price for your product. Besides your price, the average market price from the last closed round is displayed for reference. You might not want to price your products too high relative to the competition, because it will penalize your market share. On the contrary, you might not want to price your products too low, since it harms profitability.

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